In this economy we are all trying to save money and reducing debt, but there are certain expenses we can’t live without and for most people that includes our cell phones. A report by consumer advocates groups’ states that one of the most often complained about consumer services are cell phone fees and the hidden contract fine print.
So in an effort to help consumers save money we have compiled five tips from the experts to hopefully assist you in saving yourself from aggravation and some money to boot.
1. Cell phone providers (most) require consumers to sign a date specific contract, yet when a consumer tries to replace a stolen or damaged cell phone they are required to restart the contract all over again. As an alternative to this we suggest removing the SIM card from the broken phone and buying an inexpensive phone to put it into and don’t bother to report it to the cell phone provider.
2. As in #1 when dealing with teens and preteens which are the most common of those who lose or damage their cell phones, buy them prepaid phones and you have no worries about contracts or pricey replacement costs.
3. Text messaging fees are on the rise; investigate unlimited plans both for texting and calling they do exist and will save you lots of money.

4. If you want to stay with your provider but are always over your minute capacity there is a free consumer service that will alert you by email or text message when you are reaching your limit; go to
5. Read and understand the terms and conditions of your fine print contract, due to a growing number of complaints, lawsuits and pressure from legislators the bigger cell phone providers have revised their penalty of $150.00 to $200.00 for terminating a contract to a prorated basis so read your contract carefully.
We hope you will find these tips helpful, we know how hard it is to make ends meet these days and these money saving tips sure can help.